MyTutor provides online lessons, however it lacks tools to integrate the schedule with your own calendar. You'll soon find you often have to check the website just to learn that your student or teacher rescheduled. Wouldn't it be great if you could just glance at your phone or ask Google to tell you your timetable for the day?
At the moment, the code can securely (as secure as MyTutor gets) log in as you, put together a schedule along with lesson reports, and provide you with a .ics (standard calendar RFC 5545 compatible file). You can import the file directly into any calendar you choose.
You may realise this isn't ideal - it's a one-shot script. You can of course set up a scheduler on any device you own, like a laptop (it's also a great excuse to get started with a Raspberry Pi). I set mine up on an Oracle server. If you need any help with that, let me know and I'll post a guide.